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Author Bonnie Hardy

Bonnie Hardy


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Author Bonnie Hardy

Short Bio

Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, Bonnie Hardy is a former teacher, choir director, and preacher. She lives with her husband and two dogs in Southern California.

Bonnie has published in Christian Century, Presence: An International Journal for Spiritual Direction, and with Pilgrim Press.

When not planting flowers and baking cookies, Bonnie can be found plotting her next Lily Rock mystery. You can follow Bonnie at

Long Bio

After retiring from her day job, Bonnie Hardy decided to clean her house. Days were spent organizing bags of donations. At the end of each sorting session, Bonnie sat down to unwind, reaching for a favorite book to read.

Making a daily selection took some time. Her hand would linger over a classic or a thriller but inevitably Bonnie would slide a favorite cozy mystery off the shelf, to while away an hour or two in the afternoon.

She soon realized, “When I’m tired and need a bit of an escape–I always turn to a cozy mystery.”

The day after she reorganized her entire house and reread all of her cozies, Bonnie Hardy took the morning off. She sat with a mug of coffee to contemplate the rest of her life. She decided then and there, “I will write the books I want to read.”

Bonnie got out her laptop and quickly typed: Welcome to Lily Rock. After her first book, Getaway Death, the stories arrived right on time, one after the other.