Beneath Lily Rock's quaint exterior lies a world of secrets, mysteries, and unexpected dangers. This series by Bonnie Hardy follows Olivia Greer as she juggles her passion for music with her talent for solving crimes. With the support of her architect boyfriend, Michael Bellemare, and the town’s mayor, a wandering dog with an uncanny knack for being in the right place at the right time—Olivia dives headfirst into the town’s most perplexing cases.
Whether it’s uncovering the truth behind a suspicious death or piecing together clues from a puzzling disappearance, Olivia’s sharp mind and keen sense of justice guide her through each investigation. Along the way, she navigates the intricacies of small-town life, where everyone knows each other’s business, but no one is quick to share their own secrets. As Olivia makes her way through the mysteries of Lily Rock, she discovers that harmony is about more than just music—it’s about finding the truth and making things right.
The series combines the warmth of a close-knit community with the suspense of a well-crafted mystery, offering readers a blend of cozy charm, engaging characters, and page-turning intrigue.
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